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Outrageous and Weird Fast-Food Knock-Offs from Around the World

Domino's exactly as I remember it.
So, whenever there's something popular, some people have to piggyback off of it and get that extra cash. If it's video games, clothing, merchandise, or anything ever, there is a rip-off of it. Most of these are from China, but some come from Iran, Iraq, and sometimes even the UK. The fast-food knock-offs are pretty funny, so I am here to share some with you. Today, we are looking at 5 fast-food restaurants and some weird knock-offs.

Why eat at McDonald's when you can eat at...

Mash Donald's! My favorite!
 McDonald's has it's fair share of knock-offs, Up above is Mash Donald's, a rip-off of McDonald's in Iran. Since it is the, you know, largest restaurant in the world. American fast food restaurants are banned in Iran, because America. So they have to have something to replace it, right? McDonald's knock-offs range from MaDonal, to OMcMcDnoald's, to McKebab (I am not making these up) to some that aren't even trying to be McDonald's.
McDuck?? Really??

Why eat at Burger King, when you can eat at...

The best friend to have.
Burger King has a lot of knock-offs, too. Like Burger Friends above! It's definitely Burger King, like that knock off called King Burger. Or Cheese Burger. Or Burger Madam&Sir. No, I didn't make that one up, it's real. Like McDonald's, Burger King is pretty big too, so of course, knock-offs have to be made off of it. The King probably wouldn't be so happy about this.

Why Eat at Subway, when you can eat at...

Umm... We don't know what this is.
  Subway doesn't have as much knock-offs, but they still have some that are pretty funny. Why get your sandwiches at Subway when you can go to, that thing above. "WB6UACYSSE"? Is that it? It's definitely not Subway. Like Mash Donald's, that "thing" is from Iran. Who came up with the name? It's still a mystery. Other Subway knock-offs include stuff like Subday!
Have a Sub, Sub Day!

Why Eat at Pizza Hut, when you can eat at...

Wear your Pizza Hats everyone!
So, Pizza Hut. It tastes good. "No one Outpizzas the Hut"? Well how about "No one Outpizzas the Hat"? Above is Pizza Hat, a Pizza Hut knock-off. I'm not sure if they sell pizza or they're a hat store. Selling hats made out of pizza. Or maybe it's both. At least it's trying to be like Pizza Hut, with the artwork. But watch out, Pizza Hut and Pizza Hat, here comes a new opponent, fierce, strong, bloodthirsty, IT'S;
No one Outpizzas the HUH!

 Why eat at KFC, when you can eat at...

Oh No.
Here we are. The restaurant with what I would say the most rip-offs of all. Welcome to the KFC ripoffs. Here I will try to find out what each of the acronyms mean! Here we go! FBC, Florida Baked Chicken, KFG, Kentucky Fried Grapefruit, KLG, Kentucky Little Grills, and MFC, Missouri Fried Chicken. And that's just a few of them, there's more like XMD, or this...
Obama Fried Chicken.
So that's all the fast food knock-offs I could find. But there's more, Oh there's more, there might be a part 2 to this. Anyways, have a nice day, a Sub Day, and good bye.


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