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Outrageous and Weird Fast Food Knock-Offs from Around the World 2

Dairy Queen? What about the Dairy Fairy?
Oh boy! The sequel! If you remember, last season I made a post about this with this quote at the end:

"So that's all the fast food knock-offs I could find. But there's more, oh there's more, there might be a part 2 to this."

Well, there is now. Today we will be looking at MORE fast food knock offs! We'll be looking at two new restaurant's knock-offs, and three from last time. So without further ado...

Why eat at McDonald's when you can eat at...

Maybe that's the founder's name...
Looks like we're starting with this bad boy again. McDonald's has so many knock-offs that It had to be one of the three restaurants for me to bring back for this one. Up there is Al Donald. Maybe it's not a knock-off, maybe it's just the owner's name... Eh, it still has the similar logo, so it is a knock-off! Anyway, there's more, such as As Burger, Mr Mahmoud, and even a bootleg McDonald's ketchup.
I'm not sure if it's real, but it's sure funtastic!

Why eat at Dunkin' Donuts when you can eat at...

Shouldn't it be "Duffin Bagels"?
The reason I didn't include Dunkin' Donuts in the first one was because I thought it wasn't a fast food restaurant. But hey, I found a lot of knock-offs for this one, so I included it. That thing up there is from Spain, so that's spanish Dunkin' Donuts. Maybe the reason they spelled Bagels wrong was to make the initials for both companies the same. There's more around the world like Timmy's Donuts, which has an identical logo. It actually closed, probably due to the similarities to Dunkin. And there's the best knock-off there is, watch out, here it comes;
Donkey Donuts!

 Why eat at Subway when you can eat at...

They don't sell subs here. They sell sand!
Looks like where at Subday again. Up there is Sandway, where the sell subs made out of sand! Subway still didn't have that much knock-offs, but there was just enough for me to add. There's only two other ones I found, one just called "Sandwich" and this one;
I hope they're not lying. It better be fresh!

Why eat at Starbucks when you can eat at...

Well, there's Starbucks and Sunbucks, but no Moonbucks?
This place probably has the third most knock-offs behind McDonald's and KFC. Up there is Sunbucks, probably one of the most well known fast food knock offs there is. There's so much that I can't list them all. There's USAbucks, Starbugs, Starbox, and even one that's not even coffee based.
This one is a hairdressing place!

Why eat at KFC when you can eat at...

There's a lady, OFC again, Hitler, My King, A naughty word and KFG.
Oh boy. Here we are again, The king of Food knock-offs. KFC. I honestly don't know why there is so much KFC knock-offs. You'd think the one with the most would be McDonald's, being the biggest fast food restaurant, you know. But nope. It's KFC. There's more, like SFC, KMC, KFG, and, oh no!
They changed the Obama Fried Chicken sign!
Anyway, that's it for fast-food knock-offs part 2. I can't believe I actually made a second part, but here it is. I'm not totally sure for a part 3, but maybe. Anyway, that is it, have a nice day, and I'll see you next week! 


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