Well, the largest milk producer in America, Dean Foods, filed for bankruptcy after 94 years today. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing is up to you and whether that's the reason they filed for bankruptcy or not is also up to you, but we can all agree that milk consumption is on the decline. Chart showing the decline of milk consumption from 2000 to 2019. (source: CNBC) Now, why is that, you may be asking? Well, again, that's up to you. Many factors are playing into it, but most are blaming it on a certain group everyone likes to mock; Nope, not the baby boomers, the millennials. Most of this has to do with the rising animal rights movement, and, yknow, in most of these big farms, especially dairy ones, they don't treat the animals that great. In fact, there's video proof that Dean Foods literally burns their cows and hit them with pipes, but whatever. Most millennials don't like this kind of stuff, and opt to buy plant based milk instead, such as almo...
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