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That one Time Vermont was a Country

Yes you read that title right. Vermont, the northeastern US state bordering Canada, was it's own country.

Location of Vermont
For 14 years, the state of Vermont split off from Britain and made it's own country. And those years were 1777 to 1791. In January 1777 representatives from 28 towns in Vermont met together and decided to make a central government and declare independence from every country that claimed them (Britain, France and the state of New York in the US). These people were known as the "Green Mountain Boys", but the name "Vermont" wasn't the first choice for a name.

The History

The original name chosen was "New Connecticut", but only a few months later they changed the name to Vermont. Soon after the United States gained independence in 1781, they actually recognized it, and allowed them to join America as a state if they ever wanted to. From the beginning, they wanted to join or be in a political union with the US, their motto was "Stella quarta decima" which means "The fourteenth star". Before this, they were sigining to join Quebec in then British Canada. Before that though, they even made a constitution.

The constitution, was made at Windsor Tavern in 1777, and was based of the Pennsylvania constitution that they wrote. The country had its own money and its own postage service, and had diplomatic relationships with the US, Britain, France and The Netherlands. It was around this time they were considering joining Quebec.

The constitution house in Windsor

However, soon after the thought of rejoining Britain, the United States gained independence from Britain, and the country found themselves surrounded on 3 sides by the US.

10 years after this, the republic finally decided on joining the US (before this it was considered part of New York by the United States) and started the process of becoming a state in 1790. In 1791 it joined the US as a state, finally becoming the fourteenth star.

In conclusion, the Vermont Republic is a crazy story on how crazy the American Revolution really was. A country that desperately wanted to join the US, and in the end, got what it wanted all along.


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